5 Tips to Help Get Educators to Use iPads in the Classroom

Written by Danny Mareco Danny Mareco | August 13, 2013 | Read Time: 4 mins

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It’s that time of year again…back to school! Educators everywhere are going through their back-to-school rituals of setting up their classrooms, organizing, preparing lesson plans, and getting all settled in. Many lucky teachers out there have added the task of learning how to successfully integrate iPads in the classroom as a learning tool to the list as well.

Schools all over the country have implemented or are preparing to implement a 1:1 iPad program on their school wireless network. How exciting right? Well we know all the students are psyched to be using these beloved gadgets in the classroom, but unfortunately many teachers do not share the same enthusiasm. It’s completely understandable that many educators are still hesitant to use this new technology in the classroom, but it is a problem.

All that money, time, and planning spent on buying the iPads and setting up a sufficient school wireless network infrastructure doesn’t even matter if teachers are still uncertain and resistant on incorporating these potentially great learning tools into the classroom. So, if your school has some skeptics out there try some of the tips below to help you get your educators not only accepting of the iPads, but also successful at using them as the valuable learning tools they are.

ipads in the classroom

Clearly demonstrate how the iPads can enhance their teaching

Many educators have spent a lot of time perfecting their teaching methods. When they finally figure out what works of course they want to stick with that plan, because it has been successful for them in the past. Commend their successful efforts, because it is hard work, but kindly remind your educators that the times are changing. Great new technology like the iPads can enhance their already successful strategy and make it even better! Reworking their teaching strategy to incorporate the iPads will make them even more effective and relevant in this increasingly growing technology dependent world. 

Listen to the needs of your educators

Implementing any new initiative in the classroom can be stressful and confusing to many teachers. Make sure you listen to your educators needs and do the best you can to address those needs. They may just need some advice on apps to use or a little extra training or help.

teachers with iPads in the classroom

Explain how iPads can benefit them

We often talk about all the benefits iPads in the classroom can offer student, but fail to let the teachers know how the iPads can make their lives easier as well. Teaching is a lot of work, but the iPad can help make it easier. There are apps for everything thing these days that can help save teachers lots of time and work. Everything from taking attendance, to monitoring what students are researching, to grading papers, communicating with students, and much more  can all be done on the iPad. No more piles of dog eared notebooks and stacks of papers. Everything can be quickly viewed with the flick of a finger on the iPad. So be sure to let them know that these mobile devices aren’t just to benefit the students, but they are there to help them out as well.

Give them the facts

Help them understand why your school has chosen to implement these devices. The fact is we live in a world full of technology and this generation is especially tech savvy. Today’s students are using technology like the iPad in their everyday lives, so they expect these gadgets to be in their classroom as well. Provide your educators with all the survey findings and statistics like the following below to help convince them.

iPads in education

- According to a study by PBS Learning Media, 70 percent of teachers say the use of technology in the classroom helps them reinforce and expand on content, motivate students and embrace different learning styles.

- 53 percent of students in a Wakefield survey say they would be more likely to complete required reading if the material was available digitally and could be viewed on mobile devices.

- The Pearson study concluded that nearly 68 percent of students claimed tablets help them study more efficiently and 62 percent said as a result, they performed better in class. 

Offer them proper training

Don’t expect your teachers to just automatically be wizards on the iPad. Hold training classes to help get them completely comfortable with using them. Assign one of your tech wizards to help assist with problems and provide 1-on-1 help as well. Giving teachers adequate time to learn how to use them and get comfortable using them will really help too.   

Hopefully these tips will help you get your educators happily and successfully using iPads in the classroom. iPads are great learning tools for the classroom. If your school is considering implementing these fabulous mobile devices, we are here to help. You can  contact us here with any questions you may have. We are experts in classroom mobility and have worked with schools all over the country. We are always happy to help! Also check out our free eBook below “How to Prepare for iPads in the Classroom” for some more good information. Good luck!


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