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4 Valuable Digital Signage Applications for School Wireless Networks

Written by Danny Mareco Danny Mareco | April 4, 2012 | Read Time: 3 mins

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This generation has been raised on technology and moving images. Walk around any high school, college, or university campus and you will be hard pressed to find a student walking around without a cell phone, iPad, iPod, etc. That is why a digital signage solution is the natural fit for communicating with today’s students. Students are a lot more likely to pay attention to an eye-catching screen with colorful, moving graphics than a boring old bulletin board. With the right solution, digital signage can be used in education, from primary schools through to higher education establishments to help you facilitate your message easily and efficiently with maximum impact. Here are 5 ways a digital signage solution can benefit your school.

1) Increase Campus Safety

Unfortunately, safety emergencies, hostile intrusions, threats, and weather alerts occur on school campuses across the United States almost every day. Vital information about these events needs to be available to students immediately, and it can be easily done through digital signage. More importantly information like where to take cover or exit during the emergency can be specified for different locations around campus. For example, your digital signage solution can be set up to where one person can enter an emergency code into the system and pre-customized emergency procedure messages per location can go out instantly. Digital signage makes getting emergency messages out quicker and easier to make your campus a lot safer.Digital signage campus alert

2) Enhance Campus Wide Connection

The most obvious use of digital signage for school wireless networks is to inform students, faculty, and staff. Predominantly deployed in public areas such as building entrances, cafeterias, student lounges, libraries and facility lobbies, these communication networks provide a critical link between campus administrators and the student body and facility. For day to day use information can be segmented and published to the areas across campus where it is most applicable. Basic announcements like games and sports events can be published by the field or gym, while announcements and photos of the school play can be displayed by the auditorium. Digital signage solutions can be used to effectivley coordinate content and delivery of important information to the right place and audience at the right time enhancing the campus wide signage school

3) Navigate New Students and Guests

Navigating around a large school or university can be quite the challenge for guests and students as well. I remember in college during the first few weeks of class of every semester my campus map was my best friend, but it definitley would have been a lot more helpful if it could tell me where I was and could direct me through the actual buildings. Digital Signage can make the life of students and guests a lot easier. Digital signage as interactive kiosks at the entrance of building can welcome guests and new students, provide way-finding around campus and within the building, allow them to search directories, and provide a calendar of events.

digital sign wayfinding

4) Generate Revenue

Digital signage can generate revenue through dynamic and vibrant advertising. Campus advertisements can be targeted to specific locations around the school to be more successful at increasing revenue. Digital displays by the campus bookstore can advertise sales to draw students in. Cafeterias can draw students in advertising delicious food images of the day’s “specials” on digital displays. At the gym or box office ticket packages and upcoming events can be advertised as well. The opportunities for revenue generation through digital signage can also extend off campus as well. You can generate revenue form local retailers and eateries wanting to advertise to hundreds or thousands of students and staff. The opportunities to increase revenue through digital signage at your school are endless.

digital sign advertisement

Every day, more and more schools, colleges and universities are using digital signage to inform, educate, and alert their campuses, but digital signage is more than just a trend. It’s becoming a tried and true method for communicating with hundreds or even thousands of students, faculty, and staff across k-12, college, and university campuses. Here at SecurEdge our digital signage solutions experts and can guide you through the entire process including design, implementation, and ongoing support. Feel free to contact us here with any questions or for a free consultation. You can also download our free digital signage solution checklist to get your digital signage solution going in the right direction. Our goal is to be a resource for you. Good luck!

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