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The Evolution of On-Campus Housing during the Pandemic [Podcast]

Written by Danny Mareco Danny Mareco | August 21, 2020 | Read Time: 1 min

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During the last two episodes, we've taken a deep dive into the safe return to campus for students, faculty, and staff in higher education. The focus has been centered around technology, primarily how your network infrastructure investments can help everyone stay safe and connected.

While we're keeping with the same theme, in this latest episode, we're taking a closer look at on-campus housing and what life will be like for those students who live in dorms and residence halls both during the pandemic and afterwards.

In this episode, you'll hear:

  • The evolution of the student experience and what it will look like post-pandemic.
  • How building construction has evolved over time and the impact it has on your WiFi design.
  • What is application and end-user performance monitoring?
  • How changes in devices and density is increasing the importance of bandwidth utilization.
  • How IoT and proximity analytics are changing how we manage and understand our spaces.





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